Brought into existence in the year 2019, Dimsale Global Platform Limited is a newly established company registered with the Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC) Nigeria, RC: 1594049. Covering a wide range of services, Dimsale Global Platform Limited is a dynamic company with the corporate mission of providing the best and most competitive service to vendors globally.

Our major services are in the business of Agricultural services/Agro-allied (i.e horticulture etc), agricultural produce, supplies and processing of food, Engineering & Maintenance Services (including Environmental Remediation), Sales of Merchandise (wares, equipment hire etc.) and Training services on our business areas, encouraging uprising entrepreneurs develop their skills therefore nurture and skyrocket their business in the market world.

As a company that strives for the best, we are set to exploit the opportunities that will arise in the needs of the global market pertaining to our specialized fields. We are constantly looking beyond customers’ and society’s expectations in order to deliver market leading services wherever they are needed.

dimsale logo

The Company. Our core Values. Our Beliefs.

Our Goal

Our main target is on the provision of quality products and services to the entire global market.

Our Vision

As an organization with global reach, Our corporate vision is to be competitive, responsible, committed and proudly prosperous in delivering our company services to humanity.

Our Core Values

To make positive impact that serves the global and our national heeds within the scope of our operational responsibilities. We are a proud organization that is competitive, responsible and accountable for what we do nationally and internationally.

Mission Statement

Our corporate mission is to contribute towards global good health, reducing public stress level, alleviating poverty and hunger through the provision of unequal and unique service delivery to people, producing accessible, affordable, nutritious food and agricultural products within our global market outlets.

Certified Experience

Dimsale Global Platform is a company with competent hands enough to project individual and collective business interest to an enviable height.

Great Support

Provide quality professional services and support. Our offices are open from Mondays to Fridays (8am to 6pm).